Church History

South Haitian Church of God has experienced many trials and triumphs throughout its history.  But God has shown us compassion and is faithful through it all.

South Haitian Church of God was established when a couple of founding members decided to have prayer services in their homes.  They began to evangelize and reached out to others to attend.  In 1983, the church began meeting in rented facilities at 3 PM each Sunday with 12 people.  After two years, the congregation grew to more than 50 attending members each Sunday.

In 1985, South Haitian Church purchased its first property at 9116 S. Houston Street in Chicago.  From there membership increased to almost 100 people attending each Sunday.  God moved greatly amongst His people!

Sadly, tragedy struck the church in December 1990.  A merciless fire devastatingly engulfed the whole property; nothing was recovered.  The congregation moved into a rented church basement and continued meeting each Sunday at 11 AM.  Despite this loss, the church continued to grow.  Great was God’s faithfulness throughout this unforgettable tragedy and He still remains faithful!

In 1993, a parcel of land was purchased at 8901 S. Baltimore and reconstruction began.  The goal was to raise funds to construct a new worship facility that would seat over 200 people.  God continued to be faithful and made this goal a reality.

In 2017, the South Haitian Church of God transitioned to new leadership under Senior Pastor Edwin Antoine.  Under his leadership, the vision continues to be to evangelize within the community to win more souls to Christ and provide community assistance to those in need.

We admonish you to continue to pray with us as we pursue to expand this vision of evangelism to others in this and neighboring communities as well as online.

May God bless you!

Empty church sanctuary of South Haitian Church of God
Outside in front of South Haitian Church of God

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8901 South Baltimore Ave
Chicago, IL 60617


Designed by David Vernier with ♥.

© 2021